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Social Value Advisor
An in-house expert to help you build social value within your organisation through sustainable recruitment, training and relationship building.

Introducing a short-term consultancy service to improve staff value, recruitment practices, internal coaching and more...
A big challenge for construction SMEs nowadays revolves around staff and the building of relationships and skills within the business.
This is where our Social Value Advisor can add a tremendous amount of value to your organisation...
Promoting foundational growth
Growing a business can be tough, especially when you're not fully tapping into the skills and potential of your current staff. We'll help you develop policies to further develop and upskill employees, build training and qualification activities, develop transferrable skills and build beneficial relationships with organisations outside the business.

Recruitment & Retention
The greatest resource all businesses have at their fingertips is its people. When the correct systems are in place, new hires are highly effective, motivated and can see a future within the business. However, if recruitment exists merely to plug leaks and staff are undervalued and undertrained, your workforce can become unreliable and dwindle very quickly.
The development of clearer communication, the presence of development and opportunities for progression can make the recruitment process incredibly rewarding for all parties.
By understanding the transferable skills of your staff, we work with other agencies to help identify potential recruits for your job roles, allowing your senior staff to concentrate on other tasks.

Internal coaching & mentoring
A big part of being a leader is bringing out the best in your staff. This can include building up current skills and even discovering untapped abilities that can benefit the business as a whole.
One part of our Social Value Advisor service is helping you to develop the tools to maximise the potential of your employees, further increasing staff retention, ability and loyalty.
Funding & Bid Support
In construction, there is a wide array of opportunities and funding support available for a variety of situations, projects and activities but do you know where to begin looking for such support?
Tapping in to years of knowledge and experience in securing funding for all types of construction SMEs, our service ensures that whatever plans for growth you have, we can provide the tools to help you secure the right support for the task at hand.

Would you like to learn more?
Our Social Value Advisor service is ideal for SMEs and larger organisations who either don't have the time or the staff to develop beneficial training, mentoring and recruitment processes in order to grow and add value to their organisation.
Our experience and knowledge can help build these systems up and to create mutually rewarding and exciting growth, change and opportunities with your organisation no matter the size. So if you'd like to learn more, call or email using the details below and let's set up a no-strings consultation meeting.
Call: 07734 058283