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Industrial Engineer

Constructing Equality

Building people and laying the foundation for a stronger industry

What is Public Sector Equality Duty?

The Equality Act and who it applies to


The Equality Act  brings together for the first time all the legal requirements on equality that the private,

public and voluntary sectors need to follow. 


It affects equality law at work and in delivering all sorts of services and running clubs. 


It replaces all the existing equality law including:

  • The Equal Pay Act 1970

  • The Sex Discrimination Act 1975

  • The Race Relations Act 1976

  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995


Most of the new law is based on current legislation which has been streamlined

but there are some important differences, which are set out in these Modules. 

Who does the law protect?  

Whether at work as an employee or in using a service, the message (or purpose) of

the Equality Act is that everyone has the right to be treated fairly at work or when

using services. 


It protects people from discrimination on the basis of certain characteristics.

These are known as protected characteristics and they vary slightly according to

whether a person is at work or using a service.

How do you know if you have responsibilities under the law?  

All employers and service providers have a responsibility under the law to treat

their employees and service users fairly. 


You are a service provider if you provide goods, facilities or services to the

general public or section of it, regardless of whether these are free or paid for.

If you are not providing services to the public, you are also likely to have

responsibilities if you are a private club or association.


If you are an employer, the law generally still applies to you even if your workers

are temporary, do not have written contracts of employment or are recruited to

other positions such as trainees, apprentices or business partners. 



Demonstrate has been designed to streamline the process required for a company to be able to demonstrate their commitment and compliance to Public Sector Equality Duty. We will provide you with all the necessary information, training and tools that will ensure your business is PSED-compliant.


We also offer free workshops to your suppliers, drop-in Equality surgeries and anything else to help you achieve your equality goals!


  • Contact us now for more information or to book a free 1-hour consultation and diagnostic assessment... 

  • Equality & Diversity training and workshops

  • Consultation and diagnostic services

  • Policy and Education development

  • Pricing and training plans tailored to your businesses requirements


If you would like to know more about Demonstrate or the 2010 Equality Act itself then get in touch, we have pages of resources available to you on request via email. 

Our Partners

Are you looking for more specific assistance? We've built some amazing relationships with organisations that might be able to help you further. From creating new connections, opportunities and resources to discovering untapped talent in the most overlooked of places, below you'll find a few of our favourite organisations geared to helping you and others.


Making it easier for people to find careers information, resources, events and vacancies, and helping employers widen talent pools in order to attract and retain a more diverse built environment workforce.


Aspiedent provides services for organisations dealing with autism and other related conditions in the workplace. If you are an employee with high functioning autism or forms of neurodiversity such as dyspraxia, ADHD, or OCD, they can improve your work life via a workplace assessment and/or appropriate training.

The Construction Network is a trading name of Equality Gold Ltd which is a company registered in England & Wales. Reg NO: 08596568. Registered office: Henry Morgan House, Industry Rd, Barnsley, S71 3PQ. All rights reserved. 


Equality Gold Ltd is a CITB-Authorised Approved Training Course Provider

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